- The Shimano World Minnow 115SP Suspending Jerkbait is equipped with the innovative FlashBoost Internal, Spring-Loaded Suspended Foil that emits a fish-attracting flash, even when the jerkbait is still--emulating a baitfish gills movement.
- The World Minnow 115SP also has a JetBoost spring-loaded weight transfer system that increases your casting distance!
- Some colors of the Shimano World Minnow feature ScaleBoost, which is a holographic scale pattern on select colors.
- The Shimano World Minnow 115SP is 4.5 inches long, weighs in at 5/8 oz and dives down 4 to 6 feet--and it's suspending, too!
The Shimano World Minnow 115SP Suspending Jerkbait features Shimano's new Flash Boost technology and an erratic side-to-side darting action that's sure to trigger aggressive bites while making it the ultimate jerkbait on the market. A brand-new Icast release, the World Minnow also features the ScaleBoost, JetBoost and FlashBoost technologies to bring your bass fishing game into the space age!